How does the Crypto Correlation Strategy based on Technical Ratings strategy work ?
The Crypto Correlation Strategy utilizes the comprehensive market cap of all cryptocurrencies, represented by CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL, as the basis for swing trading decisions. The essence of this approach lies in using the collective movements of the crypto market, rather than individual assets, to determine entry and exit points for trades. This method emphasizes synchronicity, with all selected cryptocurrency pairs—over 80-90% of USDT perpetual pairs—simultaneously triggering trades in accord with the broader market trend signaled by TOTAL.
What sets this strategy apart is its avoidance of asset-specific fine-tuning, reducing the complexity of managing individual optimizations. Instead, it capitalizes on the increased volatility of individual coins as compared with the market as a whole, which may offer a more favorable risk/reward scenario.
However, the strategy does come with its caveat—swift and significant market swings can both mitigate losses and potentially lead to greater ones if they occur too abruptly. The approach is tailored for a 30-minute timeframe and includes a commission of 0.1% per trade entry and exit. Rigorous testing with a significant number of USDT Perpetual Pairs on Binance has shown promising outcomes for this correlation-based trading method.